
Backup sims 4 saves mac
Backup sims 4 saves mac

Inside The Sims 4 Backups, make a folder called Starting.Make a folder in your Documents called The Sims 4 Backups.There is no easy way to do this except by a lengthy process of elimination, which I will go over at the end of the tutorial, but for the immediate purposes of setting up our base save as quickly as possible, follow these steps: In order to have a base save, you will need to know which files belong to which save. I hate having it all messily jumbled into one folder. To make matters worse, these files have computer jargon names that make it impossible to tell which save files are which. It jumbles all your save files into one folder.

backup sims 4 saves mac

Before we get started, it’s important to understand something about how The Sims 4 saves your data.

Backup sims 4 saves mac